Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Importance of Knowing God's Word

The title of this blog post is like the first page out of the talk I gave at a conference last weekend.  The session was called Putting First Things First THE first thing to be put first is our commitment to know the Lord and do His will all the days of our lives.  Period.  Why should we be any different than Jesus who came not to do his own will but the Father's will?  How can we hope to know God's will for our lives?  Start with scripture, stay with scripture and end with scripture.  Yes, there are a few ancillary ways:  prayer, meditation, counsel - to name a few.  These, however, must be in line with scripture.

Hear these words in the New English Bible that I read this morning.  They really speak to me as I have been hanging out with some people lately who do believe lies, and they are stubborn in their belief of these lies.  Read that as "there is no reasoning with them".  I have tried.

"Destroyed they shall be, because they did not open their minds to love of the truth, so as to find salvation.  Therefore God puts them under a delusion, which works upon them to believe a lie, so that they may be brought to judgment, all who do not believe the truth but make sinfulness their deliberate choice." II Thessalonians 2:10-12

We are all susceptible to the lies that our culture throws at us.  Let us commit to reading, knowing and doing God's word.  Amen.

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