Our church is reading Bill Mowry's book Walk With Me. Last night we met to discuss chapter 1. Don and I presented differing ideas about sacrifice. His was - when you do things for people you love it isn't a sacrifice. Mine was - doing things for people takes time and energy and therefore it is a sacrifice. Maybe it is both?
Don and I really like our "me" time. We both have lots of interests. I don't know the right word for it but we are kind of loners/introverts/selfish with our time. Soon I will write a blog about "love" but for now let's just stick to sacrifice.
The longer I am a Christian the more I am changing to be less like the world. As that happens it becomes a new normal and what may have felt like a sacrifice decades ago no longer feels like a sacrifice.
On the other hand, each day holds an opportunity to watch and listen for the moving of God in my life. And many days I am so absorbed in my own schedule and thoughts I miss it. I miss an opportunity to give of myself for another person.
How can I live more in the present with God in order to hear and see where he is leading me? I love God and I want to have more of Him and less of me.
For me that means I have to give away what I value most: being understood, my time, my energy, my money to name a few. For me, this is a daily sacrifice. For me, if I waited to "love people" my circle of care would probably be very small.
I'm just thinking out loud on paper this morning. What can you add?
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