Why Blog? Over this past year I have written a few notes and many emails to my close friends that contained gleanings they might find interesting. I have enjoyed writing them and receiving the feedback. I am hoping this blog and the responses will move me to write more and better.
The Name of the Blog. The beginning of Hebrews 12 is my favorite passage in the Bible. I often refer to my Christian walk as a journey or a moving down the path. In this chapter the metaphor is a "race". And it is not just "my race", it is THE RACE set before US. I have purposed in my heart that I will finish this race and finish it well. Let's run it together and cross the finish line, eyes fixed on Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith!
Nice start! May I suggest that you also print these blog entries and put them in a binder. This electronic age is so temporary. One wrong click or server malfunction etc. etc. and it can all be gone.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking me into your confidence. I will be coming back often, I'm sure.
Thanks for the feedback, Jody. Most of the stuff will be from my journal. I really don't want to print everything out. Maybe I will just save to another area?
ReplyDeleteYou said it'd be OK if a "response" was only short enough to indicate that "posts" were read. I'm posting and wanting to be short. You know how long it takes me to type anything. So - I read the blog and like the concept of "Get Going" :)
ReplyDeleteDon, glad you read and posted. Thanks!
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ReplyDeleteLove you mom!