Sunday, September 27, 2015

Reckoning the Real

Reckoning the Real

If you have listened to me for long enough you will have heard me speak of little "t" truth and big "T" Truth.  In this blog I dub little r real for the visible world and big R Real for the spiritual world.

The following thoughts were formed by meditating on a section from The Pursuit of God by A.W Tozer.  The section is at the end of section 4 about the word reckon.

According to Tozer we need to reckon by faith the invisible, spiritual world.  The spiritual world is the big R Real world, while the visible world is actually the little r real world.  Most of us concentrate on the little r real world?  Why is that?
Tozer claims we have bad thought habits.  He says the world of the senses intrudes on our attention the whole of our lives. We habitually think of the visible world as real and while not denying the reality of the unseen world we doubt the realness of it.  In other words, we flip the capital and the lower case letters.  We deem the big R Real world to be the one we can see.

Part of our bad thought habits, and our uncorrected thinking as Tozer sees it, is the contrast we make the spiritual and the real.  That contrast does not even exist!  Yes, a contrast between the spiritual and the material, the temporal and the eternal, the visible and the invisible but between the spiritual and the real?  NO!

If we want to truly follow God in Spirit and in Truth we must correct these thinking errors and seek to be other-worldly.  In other words we need to have a big R Real world focus.  To Tozer:

 "The "other world", which is the object of this world's disdain and the subject of the drunkard's mocking song, is our carefully chosen goal and the object of our holiest longing.  BUT, we must avoid the common fault of pushing the "other world" into the future.  It is not future, but present."

I have taken road, path, journey, as my metaphor for the race talked about in the New Testament.  Hebrews says we run our race looking unto Jesus. I, like Christian in Pilgrim's Progress, am on my way to the Celestial Kingdom with my little scroll of God's word in hand.  Lovely picture, right?

But while reading this passage in Tozer I began to see that although my goal is to stay in the middle of the path and not wind up in Doubting Castle or Vanity Fair....maybe I'm not most of the time "looking unto Jesus".

What if one of my eyes symbolically is seeing the little r real world and the other eye is seeing the big R Real world.  My eyes are working together but my concentration is on the visible little r real world because hey, it's visible.  Which kind of makes sense for me because I keep wondering why I can't stay present to God throughout the day.  I keep getting sucked back into the visible world.

This got me to thinking, what if I patch up the eye (symbolically) that is constantly seeing the visible world, to the point of mostly living like the visible world is the only world?  What if I put a patch over that eye?

This led me to do some reading about eye patches.  I thought this info from WebM.D. was so interesting:

Amblyopia, commonly called "lazy eye," is an eye condition in which one eye is not used enough for the visual system in the brain to develop properly. If one eye is weak, the brain ignores the images from it and uses only the images from the stronger eye, leading to poor vision in the weak eye. Normal vision develops with regular, equal use of the eyes. Treatment for amblyopia includes patching the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to develop better vision. Early treatment can usually reverse the condition.

Did you hear that?  Normal vision develops with the regular, equal use of the eyes.  But I don't want normal vision.  I want that spiritual vision, the vision that sees the unseen, the big R Real. 

Most of you know that I recently got off FB.  I'd say I was prompted by the Spirit to from reading this book, another book called The Shape of Living by David F. Ford and doing a Beth Moore study on the book of Daniel. 

Some think that you can be so heavenly minded you are no earthly good.  I think Tozer would reject that.  After all, even with an eye patch I will still be able to hear, smell, taste and touch the visible world.  But I will be seeing more of Jesus, high and lifted up.  I may even see the powers and principalities and be able to shout out some warnings to others.

Maybe getting off FB is my attempt at an eye patch. 

I have really appreciated this book.  So much food for thought.  So good that my plan is to read it every year on New Years Eve.  Maybe we can do it together.

As usual PEACE OUT, or maybe with my eye patched,  the new sign off should be MAY THE PEACE OF CHRIST BE WITH YOU!

If you like what you are reading on my blog, could you please share it with your friends on Facebook and on other social media?  Thanks!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

So Long Facebook

This world is not my home.  I am just passing through, trying to be light in the darkness.  My light is but a flicker here and a flicker there.  I find my mind and feelings overwhelmed by the culture around me.  Understandably sitting in a culture numbs me to the effects it is having on my life.  

I am choosing to get off Facebook  because my presence on it does more harm to me than good to least from what I can tell.   I will miss some of you, but there are other ways to be in touch with people. 

Many recent thoughts, at least in the last year or so, have me convinced that this is the right thing for me to do.  Off the top of my head I can think of these:

1.  The beginning of Hebrews 12 :  We are told to lay aside every weight and the sin that clings to us.  I have to say that FB is a weight.  If I am trying to run my race, I don't need the weight of FB around my ankle.  This weight takes the form of time spent on FB when I could be doing more profitable things.

2.  The gospel verse about more of Him and less of me.  That takes intention and intention takes time and energy.  FB is about me, mine, my opinions, etc.  Yes, some of it is about others but for me, it is a way to express MYSELF.

3.  Paul in the New Testament says he is determined to know nothing but Christ.  Novel!

4.  I have been told I am preaching to the choir.  Well, that sounds like a colossal waste of time to me!

5.  I have just started a study of the book of Daniel and am struck by the resolve of Daniel to not be polluted or watered-down by the culture he finds himself in.  That took a lot of guts.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

6.  The end is near.  No, I have no idea when.  If the Lord returns today, would I want Him to find me on Facebook?  No.

7.  People are perishing all around me.  You'd think I could find some more profitable uses of my time.  For example, how about praying more?  Hmmm.  Good idea. 

8.  And like I have said before, for me, Facebook is pretty isolating.  And no, I don't just want to share pictures of my food....which seem to get the most attention of anything I happen to post!

I had the most wonderful weekend.  I went away with Linda and we had some of the most spiritually uplifting conversations I have had this year.  Ditto to Alicia Harley when we discussed Benner's Presence and Encounter.  I want to interact like this with others often. Ok, actually I'd like to do it daily!   I don't know how to make that happen BUT I am sure it's not going to happen on Facebook. 

I am very interested in what you are reading, thinking, and praying about and how it is effecting your life.  I hope you will email or text me about it.  Maybe we can meet for coffee or Face Time (whatever that is!) or Skype.

Thanks for listening.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ironic Evidence

James 5:1-6 in The Moffatt Translation of the Bible

Come now you rich men, 
weep and shriek over your impending miseries!
You have been storing up treasure in the very last days;
Your wealth lies rotting and your clothes are moth-eaten; 
your gold and silver lie rusted over,
and their rust will be evidence against you,
 it will devour your flesh like fire.
See, the wages of which you have defrauded 
the workmen who mowed your fields call out, 
and the cries of the harvesters 
have reached the ears of The Lord of Hosts, 
You have reveled on the earth and plunged into dissipation,
You have fattened yourselves as for the Day of slaughter, 
You have condemned, 
you have murdered the righteous unresisting.

When I read this the first time, the first half of the passage about the moth-eaten clothing and the rusted gold and silver being "evidence" against the rich man jumped out at me.  The tangibility of the evidence!  It is not something only God can see or judge.  It is right there for all to see.  This moth-eaten and rusted evidence got in this condition through lack of use.  While others suffered, the rich were piling up stuff they couldn't even use.

And now, on a second look I see more.  The rich had amassed their wealth on the backs of people who so needed an income they didn't even protest the low wages.  

Not only can God see the initial tangible evidence, He has heard the cries of the defrauded poor.  Here is His take on the rich in this passage:  You are partying and having a great time, or so you think.  In actuality you are fattening yourselves up to be slaughtered.

Oh the irony!

Monday, July 20, 2015

How Not To Lose Hope As A Christian in A Minority Culture (Part 7)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth Seven:   I do not know where our current history in the USA will lead. 

Yes, it sure does feel like a slippery slope of badness to me.  But
feelings are not facts.  I remember reading "The Christians Secret of a Happy Life" years ago by Hannah Whitall Smith.  She talks about feelings being the caboose of the train.  Facts, Faith, then that order.  How I feel about any given circumstance really has little weight in the grand scheme of things; a train can run without a caboose.

I end this pep talk to myself with this scripture from Deut. 29:29:

"The secret things belong to the Lord but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children."

Dear God, Help me to put the revealed truth I know into practice and leave the secret things to you.

How Not To Lose Hope As A Christian in A Minority Culture (Part 6)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth Six:  I need to think about the energy I am leaking while railing against the degradation of our culture. 

I am wasting energy moaning and groaning when this energy could be used to keep my salt flavorful and my light shiny.  Maybe I should make a list of the things I could be doing instead of venting my frustrations.  After all, "We're not in Kansas any more, Toto!"

It will be next to impossible for me to stop grumbling and live out the call of God on my life faithfully alone.  It will help to have a church home where I can pray and encourage and be encouraged by others.  

How Not To Lose Hope as a Christian in a Minority Culture (Part 5)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth Five:  I need to remember that the Bible says I am a stranger, pilgrim, and alien on this earth.

Up until maybe the last generation or two in the United States people were familiar with God and the Bible even if they were not followers of Jesus. This is not the case any more.  What I began to feel in the 1980's has really taken over our country.

Yet, God has chosen for me to be living on this earth at this point in history.  My call is no less than the saints in the Old Testament.  They lived lives in a minority culture, sometimes even as slaves. 

One of my favorite examples is Daniel.  He was carried away from his home.  Instead of eating the rich foods of the land he continues to practice his faith, sticking to a strict diet and praying to God, even when it was against the law.  Ultimately he finds himself in a lion's den for being obedient to God. 

They ran their race in faith and hope. I run mine having received the promise of Jesus Christ.

There is a cost to being different in our culture, but I need to remember that this world is not my home, I am just passing through.

Ways Not To Lose Hope As a Christian in a Minority Culture (Part 4)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth four:   I need to ask myself, what would Jesus do.

Jesus would not get angry.  He always responded to those he met with love and compassion.  Lest we think the love and compassion of Jesus squishy, remember he had some harsh words for the Pharisees and Sadducees  He called these religious leaders hypocrites and relatives of Satan! 

Most people I encounter are not going to be of the religious leader variety.

If my goal is to win others to Jesus, I need to take James 1 to heart.  Hear it in the Message translation:  "Post this at all the intersections, dear friends: Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. God’s righteousness doesn’t grow from human anger."

We could probably also change out the word anger for other emotions.  God's righteousness does not grow from human frustration, human condescension, etc.

Ways to Not Lose Hope As a Christian in a Minority Culture (Part 3)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth Three:   I need to tell myself the truth about suffering and persecution.

Suffering or suffer is mentioned six times in I Peter.  Here are some key verses to recall when those feelings of despair start to rise in me:

"But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.  For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.  He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.  When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly."

 Even Jesus had to continue putting his life in the hands of the Father! 

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.  But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler.  Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. 
Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. "

Here are some comforting words for those who suffer as Christians taken from The Sermon on The Mount:
 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
Rejoice and be glad.  Hmm.  I have been doing anything BUT this!  I don't want to be called a bigot or a fearmonger!  Help me God to rejoice and be glad.

Ways To Not Lose Hope As A Christian in a Minority Culture (Part 2)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth Two:  Since God is in control and God is good, I need to trust Him.

All of Job's children were killed in a day!  Then his body was horribly afflicted.  He did not shake his fist at God or anyone else.  This posture of Job is one I should strive for.  Job said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”  He also said, "Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?"

Other verses that might inspire me to trust when despairing:

Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Or this:

II Corinthians 4: "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,  as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

My absolute go to verses when I am overwhelmed with hopelessness are found in Psalm 62 in the Moffatt translation of the bible:

"Leave it all quietly with God, oh my soul, my help comes from Him alone.  Rock, refuge, rescue-He is all to me.  never will I be overthrown."

Ways to Not Lose Hope As a Christian in A Minority Culture (Part 1)

This is a seven part series that was originally given as one meditation for a vespers service at Central Christian Church in Grand Rapids Michigan.  In my opinion, people who are living their lives with the Bible as their authority are in a minority in our country.

I took a FB test recently that told me I was a pessimist.  While I have never been a sugar plums and puppies kind of person, I have been a half full girl, not a half empty one.

I have so changed since 9-11.  Since I do not believe our country will be improving any time in the near future, am I doomed to be a pessimist?  NO!  I can pray for an attitude adjustment and I can tell myself the TRUTH, the way that I always have when times have gotten tough in my life.

Truth One:  I need to remember that God is in control. 

How did Joseph respond when his brothers threw him in a pit, sold him into slavery, when he was falsely accused by Pharaoh's wife, when he was forgotten in prison?  He just continued on with life, believing God and serving others.  Toward the end of his life when his brothers apologized for their wicked deeds, Joseph is overcome with emotion.  He has not held a grudge.  He knows that his being in Egypt at that time in history actually saves his family.  He could confidently respond, "what you meant for evil, God used for good."

God has His purposes.